Sunday, March 1, 2015

The Secret -- Death

Like every other human/animal we tend to change day by day. Cells in our body die and create new blood cells from time to time. Isn't it not the change? Do you look the same as you were in your childhood? Did you always think about the same topic from years? Nothing stays stagnant. So does our death. Death is also a change of life. If you can accept that, everything changes from time to time, don't regret accepting, 'Death is only a change of life.' 

"Temporary death is sleep and Permanent sleep is death."

Change is inevitable. We assume that our life starts from our birth. No, it starts from a sperm and keeps on changing and at last, after its complete growth in nine months steps in this beautiful world as a baby. It even doesn't start from sperm, It is from the male reproductive system and so, it is from the food he eats. The food we eat is grown on land and so, we belong to this nature. That is the reason we are gifted to the land itself in a coffin after we are dead. We come into existence from nature around us and constant growth in us lead to our death which is to the place where we came from.

There is end for everything. Even Sun stops illuminating after few million years. If there is a beginning, then there will be an end. As every product has a manufacturing date and  an expiry date, so do humans. Every Living organism is gifted with a life on a day(birthday) and his fortune to end on some other day(death).
One tend to be sorrow when he hears about any person on deathbed. When we can realize the inner meaning of what death can be, One will never feel sorry for that person, In turn we have to be happy for him. Because, we only feel like living on this planet when we are healthy and as the age turns up, patience to live slowly dies in us.

If we even tend to live forcibly with some medication, we never feel like living. We die to live. We are not here to live forever. We are here on a purpose, and living a life without a purpose is useless. It is like a healthy human body without a soul. It doesn't matter how healthy is your body, it doesn't work. It only matters when it has a soul in it. Having a purposeful life is equally important.

Animals also live, eat, bath and do various works as we do. But, we are differentiated with them in only one way. We have an ability to think and analyze, but they don't. There is a lot of difference in death of a human and an animal. When a hen dies, we sell or cook it, making use of it in one or the other way. But when a human dies, we don't use it for any purpose. We value everyone only when they are alive and after they die, we don't even call them by name. We call them "body" indicating that it has no value anymore.

A person should be useful to develop intellectual qualities within himself and for the people around him. He can recreate himself to earn a name in million hearts only when he is alive. So, one have to concentrate on living a purposeful life when he is alive and not on death. Because, he may be rich or poor, he may live in a palace or a parking place, once he is dead, his body will be placed on the street itself.

--Sandeep Kumar Gangisetty

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