Thursday, June 19, 2014

The Secret -- Friendship

We tend to be happy when we are with friends. Time passes by unknowingly when we are with them. They act as a soul to a human body. Anyone without friends are something like a human body without a soul which is of no use.  There are many reasons why friends become important. As we grow up from childhood, that is the stage where we slowly gain knowledge of what is good and what is bad. Friends do stay with us from childhood and slowly, as we grew up they become a part of us in every stage of our lives. 

When we go bit further, people increase their network gradually through friends. It never stops and keeps on increasing. In this journey, we have seen all the advantages of being a friend to someone. If we can go bit further and think, there is also the other side of a coin which we need to know.

It may be your friends, relatives, life partner or your children, with whom ever your feelings are attached, they become your weakness. If you get attached to some one, that doesn't mean you are becoming strong. It means day-by-day you are becoming weak. This is truth which always looks bitter. There is something in truth which is so pure, pure than a diamond, pure than a piece of coal into which, the deeper you dig, you find nothing other than coal.

I will explain you clearly. There is duality in everything you see in this world.

If there is a day, then there will be night.
If there is a sunrise, there will be sunset.
If you are happy today, you will be sad tomorrow.

If you are happy with your friends today, you better remember that you are going to be sad tomorrow. That is the reason, a wise person neither stays happy nor sad. He just strives to gain knowledge for a purpose of his existence in this world. 

                                                        -- Sandeep Kumar Gangisetty


  1. If you are loved by someone means you are also hated by someone :(

  2. " If you are happy today, you will be sad tomorrow " I don't agree with u.... dis Is our life.... our life will be designed by ourselves only.... if we want to be happy.... we can.... if we want to be sad..... we can... there is no mandatory rule in life as saying above ..... dis is just my opinion...

    1. U can be happy only when you come out of sadness. Remember, when there is sunset itself, You can see sunrise the next morning. The article I have written is what I came to know from the analysis of many experiences of different kind of people. I believe what I write here is truth.

  3. sad comes when you are attached ... !

    1. But don't worry sai!! With what speed sorrow comes to you, even happiness reaches you with the same speed. Just Go on with your life saying the secret mantra "All is Well."
