Friday, October 17, 2014



My mother- my life. If there is any choice to choose between god and my mom, I will choose my mom itself, because I don't even know how god looks like, But I know how mom looks like as soon as I opened my eyes. She gave birth to me, that one reason is enough for me to give her the love she wants from me. However, even if we devote every second loving her, that's like a small weed in a forest in front of her love towards her children.

Monday, October 6, 2014


I feel proud to write an article on women. From my point of view, women deserve utmost respect on this planet. They are beautiful, awesome, magical, mystical, lovable, dignified and what else. That keeps on going if we start describing women. We worship them as goddess, we celebrate if she does any great job, we feel like devoting time for them at some times. But its only one side of the story.
Most of the men see women as goddess at some perspectives and as a lending machines in another perspective. Yes, you need to feel ashamed to figure them as lending machines. Most of us look women with only, "that" purpose. This sort of evil thinking can become a purpose for many crimes. 

I feel sorry for those women who still don't dare to come out of their home in fear that someone could attack them. It may be acid attacks, harassment or kidnaps. Whatever it is, women are unsafe. The question which strike my mind is, when I can walk freely in an independent country why can't my sisters? Why are they restricted for everything unlike men? 

My country got independence a long ago but my sisters didn't. Gandhi said, a day has to come where a women can walk in the midnight without any fear. But, the consequences in our country resemble that they can't even walk freely in the daytime.  

This post is inspired to spread a message to stop attempting rapes on women. They deserve an utmost respect than men. "Without women there is no existence for men." Change can only occur when there is a change in our thinking. Don't figure out any girl/lady with the size of their breasts, behind that there is a heart. Everyone look beautiful, it needs the right eyes to recognize the beauty.

I don't even know when that criminals come to know that "Even you(women) have a heart and it has feelings." The only gift
we can give women is to respect their feelings. That's the only thing we could do. In a loving memory for all my sisters, I keep sharing this message to educate public about the harassment done to you.
#StopHarassmentOnWomen  #FreedomForWomen
-- Sandeep Kumar Gangisetty

Thursday, July 17, 2014

The Secret -- Being Greedy

Humans acquire everything on this planet, destroying the nature. After everything is in his hands and if someone asks him about his wealth, he answers it by saying, " There is 3/4 of the space remaining on earth on which he can give a try." This is what we call "Greed". It is dangerous than cancer, powerful than AIDS, uncontrollable as a volcano and poisonous than venom.

You tend to know how intelligent you are when you compare yourself to sagacious personalities. Similarly is your wealth, when you compare yourselves with a person who is fighting for his daily bread. We are most wealthier than the other 17% of the world population who strive to earn less than $1 per day.

One have to be satisfied with what he has rather than getting depressed with what he doesn't have. Looking for money and becoming greedy day by day doesn't solve your problem, in fact they get multiplied. Just spend with what you have. You will be a much happier person than before when you start practicing this. We have to accept a fact that, if you deserve anything, then it will be gifted to you in any means. But we need to be satisfied with the gift. Gazing at the gift and feeling greedy traps you to difficulties. SATISFACTION is the only medicine for greediness. Nothing in this world can make you happy, if you are not satisfied with what you are gifted. 

Here is the concept. We have got a wonderful structured healthy body by birth. If you would not have that body, today you would aim to work day and night to replace the affected organs with the healthier ones. Despite, ignoring this wonderful creation and getting depressed you are getting addicted to drugs which inturn is spoiling your wealth(health). Rich people tend to feel sad, knowing the fact that they spoiled their health running before wealth all their life. Tragedy is, ignoring this fact, healthier people feel depressed for being poor.

Everyone are gifted with equal wealth. Some grab it soon and some do it later. Time is the difference but everyone lands at the same place, at the graveyard taking nothing with their soul.

-- Sandeep Kumar Gangisetty

Thursday, June 19, 2014

The Secret -- Friendship

We tend to be happy when we are with friends. Time passes by unknowingly when we are with them. They act as a soul to a human body. Anyone without friends are something like a human body without a soul which is of no use.  There are many reasons why friends become important. As we grow up from childhood, that is the stage where we slowly gain knowledge of what is good and what is bad. Friends do stay with us from childhood and slowly, as we grew up they become a part of us in every stage of our lives. 

When we go bit further, people increase their network gradually through friends. It never stops and keeps on increasing. In this journey, we have seen all the advantages of being a friend to someone. If we can go bit further and think, there is also the other side of a coin which we need to know.

It may be your friends, relatives, life partner or your children, with whom ever your feelings are attached, they become your weakness. If you get attached to some one, that doesn't mean you are becoming strong. It means day-by-day you are becoming weak. This is truth which always looks bitter. There is something in truth which is so pure, pure than a diamond, pure than a piece of coal into which, the deeper you dig, you find nothing other than coal.

I will explain you clearly. There is duality in everything you see in this world.

If there is a day, then there will be night.
If there is a sunrise, there will be sunset.
If you are happy today, you will be sad tomorrow.

If you are happy with your friends today, you better remember that you are going to be sad tomorrow. That is the reason, a wise person neither stays happy nor sad. He just strives to gain knowledge for a purpose of his existence in this world. 

                                                        -- Sandeep Kumar Gangisetty

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Telangana - A New Hope

It was in 1969, For the first time, a movement started for a separate state from the people. Reports say that approximately 369 people were killed in the police firings. From then till now, Telangana movement has gained its importance in the people. Political parties have made their stand neutral to favor both the regions which is all included in the vote bank politics. 

The movement have again started full fledged from Nov 2009, which revolved under many circumstances to gain attention from the people which benefits them in elections. Congress Party becoming the center figure which neither gives support to Telangana nor Andhra have dragged the issue to a critical stage. And after five years of continuous bandhs and curfew Telangana people have gained their own state and now feeling proud to say, they are from Telangana state.

Sources reveal us saying, officially on June 2nd Telangana will be declared as the 29th state of India. Its a great news that we, the Telangana people have got our state but now what we are supposed to do? Shall we stay happy like this saying we got our state? There is something people need to observe now. All the schemes, benefits which all parties have promised before the declaration of Telangana, saying that Telangana people get benefited in a thousand ways if they get their own state which is practically not possible. 

There is still a divisive opinion on division, But the thing happened is for a good cause. It becomes much critical if the situation continues the same way. There would be no hope for development
if it continued the same way. Bandh on a single day is a great loss to people internally. Bandh on a single day causes loss in crores to government which affects people because it is the same 
government which benefits people through schemes it promised. If the government doesn't have any money, It have to take money in world bank and the repayable interest multiplies for years by which 
people are forced to pay extra taxes and then to cover the loss, government increases prices of daily supplies. This was the case on Andhra Pradesh from 5 years. This is why, a harsh decision is better than a slow poison.

Every problem arises from now itself from the commencing government in both the regions. There will be conflicts between the two states in budget allocation, water projects, integral security and many more. The congress party is slowly destroying the federal governance and taking the total power to the center to take any decision. With this the local leaders lose their power to fight for their state benefits. Now the power is with the people to decide to whom they have to give power to rule them.

Analysts say, If any other party other than congress comes into rule, there is a possibility for a change. People are fed up with congress and If again congress rules the state, either in Telangana or in Andhra or in central, there will be no scope for development for an another 10 more years. But if any other party comes into rule, Telangana may step into development and it's a gift for the local people. Any how by this day after two months, election counting will be done and people get to know who is going to rule them.

Sandeep Kumar Gangisetty 


Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Why do we celebrate Republic Day ??

We, the citizens of India celebrate Republic day on 26th of January every year. How many of us really know the reason why this day is so auspicious to us? Come on, let us know.

India got independence on 15th of August 1947 from the British rule(United Kingdom) and was declared as independent country from then. But we do not have our own constitution by the time we got independence. So, as we have to frame our constitution, a drafting committee was formed on 4th of November 1947. We
then get a question in our minds, What do you mean by constitution? Why do we frame it? 

To get the definition is simple words, we can say that constitution is a book which has boundaries, rules and regulations which have to be followed by every citizen of India. We call Dr.B.R.Ambedkar as the father of constitution. Every article, every part, schedules, appendices, Amendments are designed and framed to direct the roles of government servants from the president, prime minister to a local government official who is on a government duty. It even speaks about the rights given to union territories, independent states to a grama panchayat, municipality.

At last, Our constitution was formed and came into power from January 26 1950. Dr. Rajendra Prasad was the first president to take oath as a president after framing our own constitution. Before we got our independence, there was a governor general for each state, who is responsible to rule the state. Even after we got our independence, from August 15 1947 to January 25 1950 there was a governor general for each state. Our constitution says, we follow federal society which means there should be president and prime minister to govern the whole country whereas governor and chief minister to each state to govern them independently. The other point which we need to observe is, president hoists our flag on republic day and prime minister hoists our flag on independence day which says it all.

So, this day remarks as the day from which India's constitution came into force completing the country's transition toward becoming an independent republic. That is the reason we celebrate Republic day. JAI HIND.

                                                            Sandeep Kumar Gangisetty

Wednesday, January 15, 2014


This can be the question in every one's life if asked. We unfortunately see many accidents which occur in front of us. We read in news papers or articles about them. After we read those news or articles, if we can think for a while "what can I do to stop these happen?" then there will be a vast change in us. It may not be confined to this topic. Just ask yourselves, in every incident that occur in your life. "What did I do to prevent it for the next time?"

I was moved when I heard about the accident that was occurred on 30th of October 2013.
A Volvo bus running under Jabbar travels was struck under fire at Palem village in Mahaboobnagar district in which 45 people were burnt totally in the bus. The reason was over speed. Neither the bus have any safety precautions nor the driver know how to react at fire accidents.

Accidents of private travels are not for the first time and happen very frequently. This have just been another example for people, warning not to travel in private buses.

APSRTC have lot of buses available and its services are far better than private travels but people still tend to travel in private buses itself. APSRTC run buses with high safety measures and in any circumstances it can save all the people in the bus, even if any accident happens by chance. Even the drivers are very well trained and there are very less chances for an accident in APSRTC buses. May be many of them doesn't know this fact that, private buses run at 110 Km/hr at nights on an average which is frightening and totally unsafe for passengers in the bus. 

When all the people prefer APSRTC, slowly there will be demand for buses and even they will be designed luxurious as passengers needed. The demand should be from the people(its me and you). PLEASE DO NOT PREFER PRIVATE TRAVELS. TRAVEL IN APSRTC BUSES WHICH IS SAFE AND CHEAP. OUR SAFETY IS THEIR FIRST PRIORITY.

APSRTC profit will be in crores of rupees daily if all of us prefer government buses rather than private buses. That way, there will be a solution to this problem. Let us feel this as an experience and let us not travel in private buses in the near future.

We can't just blame the government for all the issues and leave them. Its our prime responsibility to strive for a solution when any problem occurs. I feel the way i spoke above can be reliably better solution. If you have any please do comment below. This is what comes out when we just think "what can I do?" 
                                                                                                                                                                    -- Sandeep Kumar Gangisetty