Friday, October 17, 2014



My mother- my life. If there is any choice to choose between god and my mom, I will choose my mom itself, because I don't even know how god looks like, But I know how mom looks like as soon as I opened my eyes. She gave birth to me, that one reason is enough for me to give her the love she wants from me. However, even if we devote every second loving her, that's like a small weed in a forest in front of her love towards her children.

Monday, October 6, 2014


I feel proud to write an article on women. From my point of view, women deserve utmost respect on this planet. They are beautiful, awesome, magical, mystical, lovable, dignified and what else. That keeps on going if we start describing women. We worship them as goddess, we celebrate if she does any great job, we feel like devoting time for them at some times. But its only one side of the story.
Most of the men see women as goddess at some perspectives and as a lending machines in another perspective. Yes, you need to feel ashamed to figure them as lending machines. Most of us look women with only, "that" purpose. This sort of evil thinking can become a purpose for many crimes. 

I feel sorry for those women who still don't dare to come out of their home in fear that someone could attack them. It may be acid attacks, harassment or kidnaps. Whatever it is, women are unsafe. The question which strike my mind is, when I can walk freely in an independent country why can't my sisters? Why are they restricted for everything unlike men? 

My country got independence a long ago but my sisters didn't. Gandhi said, a day has to come where a women can walk in the midnight without any fear. But, the consequences in our country resemble that they can't even walk freely in the daytime.  

This post is inspired to spread a message to stop attempting rapes on women. They deserve an utmost respect than men. "Without women there is no existence for men." Change can only occur when there is a change in our thinking. Don't figure out any girl/lady with the size of their breasts, behind that there is a heart. Everyone look beautiful, it needs the right eyes to recognize the beauty.

I don't even know when that criminals come to know that "Even you(women) have a heart and it has feelings." The only gift
we can give women is to respect their feelings. That's the only thing we could do. In a loving memory for all my sisters, I keep sharing this message to educate public about the harassment done to you.
#StopHarassmentOnWomen  #FreedomForWomen
-- Sandeep Kumar Gangisetty