Monday, December 30, 2013

To Vote is my birth right.

We just keep talking about politics all the time whenever we are free. To be frank it has become a time pass for many of us to discuss about it. We go around many topics one by one and come to a conclusion.
The conclusion is clear and its common from all of us and its said by any one of us in every group discussion. The conclusion will be, "Hey!! cool guys. Leave it, how much you may quarrel nothing will change." He even continues by saying, all politicians are the same. The same leaders, same corruption, same government.

Doesn't it look funny saying that way and even stopping the discussion by that conclusion ?

Change doesn't come from any where. It comes from an individual. Until you think someone will come and change the system, there will be no change. Change may be big or small, it should come from an individual.
That individual should influence others or encourage a group of members to strive for a change. The chain slowly continues and that way its possible.

We can only achieve change when we vote for public representatives who may drive our future in a right way. This is one of the way in my terms of thinking. Circulating and influencing people to vote can be one way to desire for a change.   

Its our responsibility to vote, and then it makes sense of us, if we blame the government. No person without voting has never right to blame the government for any cause. If you have not registered for an voter id, please register online through or through any e-seva centers.

If you are not in a position to vote, at least encourage your friends and family members to vote. Every vote counts. That may bring the change for what we all are fighting.     

So, I am doing what i can do from my side. Are you ready to do something from your side? Just keep forwarding a message "to vote" through online or by phone call or by text. I feel the responsibility and i am doing what i can do from my side.

What about you? Decide. 

Even after reading this, if you still remain silent you will face the prime ministers like Man Mohan Singh who is deaf and dumb and you may even see an ignorant child who doesn't even know about our constitution as a prime minister for our country in future.

There will be leaders earning crores and keeping them safe in swiss bank accounts and emerging even more stronger than before and again there starts all the corruption. Imagine for just a second. Our country have lost a lot in this decade. Please don't make this continue for an another decade.

I conclude by saying, "To vote is our birth right." We are the one who can change the future of our country. Its our responsibility to vote. Jai Hind.

-- Sandeep Kumar Gangisetty

Friday, December 27, 2013

Life has become crazy now-a-days. Just feeling to do something new. Lets see where shall it takes me, after all "Life is a journey".